- +44 7840 379027
- hello@the-backman.co.uk
At your first appointment we will explain the science and research behind how wellness care works, and complete a comprehensive evaluation to see if it is right for you. If we can help you, we will develop an individualised treatment plan which will include some or all of the following: Wellness, Spinal Corrective Care, RockBlades/RockTape, Western Acupuncture/Dry Needling and/or Lifestyle Wellness Coaching which would be specific to your condition and health goals.
Acupuncture is a treatment involving the use of a special needle along with its specific insertion and technique into the person. It was developed in China about 2,000 years ago. Today, there are two main forms of acupuncture; traditional and modern. The traditional form bases its application on ancient ideas which are difficult for us to understand or accept today. Modern acupuncture has been taken up by many health professionals in the West, many of which have reinterpreted it in terms of modern anatomy, physiology and pathology. This form of acupuncture has been called Western medical acupuncture or dry needling.
The BBC lists acupuncture as one of the few evidently effective treatments for arthritis in its news item regarding the study released by Arthritis Research UK. “Slowly, but surely, complementary and alternative therapies are being recognised as a having health and well-being value.” Terry Cullen, British Complementary Medicine Association (Report – 9th Jan, 2013).