Digital Analysis

“We don’t just patch the symptoms, we address the root cause”

What to expect upon your first appointment

At your first appointment we will explain the science and research behind how wellness care works, and complete a comprehensive evaluation to see if it is right for you. If we can help you, we will develop an individualised treatment plan which will include some or all of the following: Wellness, Spinal Corrective Care, RockBlades/RockTape, Western Acupuncture/Dry Needling and/or Lifestyle Wellness Coaching which would be specific to your condition and health goals.

At EDGE Wellness Clinic, we use state of the art computerised posture analysis technology to accurately and completely assess a patient’s posture: PostureScreen.

The proprietary posture analysis software was developed as part of the analysis protocol of Chiropractic BioPhysics – an advanced form of Chiropractic.

PostureScreen enables us to objectively and quickly evaluate the client’s posture, movement and body composition.

Proven to be reliable in scientific studies: “Assessing static standing posture via PostureScreen gives repeatable measures for anatomical landmarks that were found to have a substantial or almost perfect agreement.” – J of Phy Ther Sci Vol. 28 (2016) No. 12 Dec. p. 3398-3402.

Proper Posture and Good Health

It is quite simple really; correcting postural issues can alleviate and prevent a number of health disorders. This includes sore and strained muscles, disc injury, scoliosis, lifting injuries, aches and pains from driving and sitting, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, and shoulder and ankle injuries In short, proper posture means your body can work optimally, and when your body works better, you feel better.

Digital Body Composition Analysis

With LeanScreen, there will no longer be a need to waste time with a tape measure or rely on callipers. The digital body composition analysis technology provides us with the ability to accurately measure Body Composition using Patented photographic anthropometry! Our clients can receive a comprehensive detailed report providing their body composition including Body Fat Percentage, Waist-Hip Ratio, BMI, BMR and Lean Body Mass all from their respective photographs.

Using this technology we can objectively identify areas for improvement and reduction of risk factors which may contribute to the development of ill health / disease.